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The Brief: To create 3D beasts.


I chose to create masks as I had never done this before and felt like stepping out of my comfort zone in order to learn something new. I wanted to link all my mask/beasts together so decided to choose the theme of "The seven deadly sins":

Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust,  Pride, Sloth and Wrath.



Envy is jealousy towards others, of what they own, what they can do or simply who they are. Envy desires all and sees everyone/ everything as objects to be processed. Envy becomes aggressive very easily when these possessions are taken from them. 


Gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. Gluttony is also thoughtlessness and unwillingness to share with others. Anything more than you need is gluttony.


Greed is when somebody wants more things than the person needs or can use, in basic terms the want for more. Greed is most associated with people who wish to get rich at any cost. It often leads to manipulation and the controlling others.  As a result you may do anything to satisfy the greed.


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